Passport Renewal

Passport Consultancy Services in India

Apply for Renewal & Re-issue Passport Application 

If you want to get passport renewal, you can apply online to your passport agents and consultancy services. We have launched Passport Agent and Consultancy Services with the aim of serving our clients with the best and reliable online passport assistance in India. We apply strategic thinking, dedicated support, full effort, and practical approach.

Passport Application Stage Process


Documents required for a Passport renewal if the reason is ‘exhaustion of pages’ and ‘validity to expire’

Old Passport in original with the two self-attested photocopies of the same, of the first and the last pages.

Proof of address (If the residential address mentioned in the old Passport is different from the current address)

Documents supporting ECR or Non-ECR status of the applicant (not applicable for minor applicants)

Annexure D (in case of the minor applicant)

Annexure E if you are applying under Tatkaal category

Documents Required if the Renewal Reason is ‘Extension of Validity of SVP’

Old Passport in original with two self-attested photocopies of the same of the first and last pages.

Address Proof (If the residential address mentioned in the old Passport is different from the current address).

Documents which eliminate the cause of issuance of Short Validity Passport

Documents supporting ECR or Non-ECR status of the applicant (not applicable for minor applicants)

Annexure D (in case of the minor applicant)

Annexure E if you are applying under Tatkaal category.

Documents Acceptable as Proof of Address

Aadhaar card

Voter ID

Electricity bill

Water bill

Telephone bill

Gas bill

Rental agreement

Property tax assessment

Passbook (attested by the branch manager) of a running bank account

Certificate from reputed companies on the company letterhead

Spouse’s passport copy

Parents’ passport copy (in case of minor applicants)


Applicants are advised to visit their jurisdictional passport office’s home page under Passport Office Page to know about additional documents required if any.

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